[Mentor TW-14] Genghao Teo (matched)

Started by Zhao Jin

Zhao Jin

For more information about @"Genghao Teo", please refer to https://bit.ly/orbital23-mentorship (Search for "TW-14")

If you would like to be mentored by him, please add a reply below, with the following details:

Your particulars: Team name + Student name + Contact method (Email and other messaging tools)
Your materials: Proposal + Poster + Video
A personalized message: Why should the mentor pick your team?


Lee Kai Kiat, Ivan

@"Genghao Teo"
Team Name: BeatIt
Team Number: 5783
Team Members:
Lee Kai Kiat, Ivan (A0249426X, ivan.lee@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @ivanleekk, 9696 2528)
Amy Ling Yu Hui (A0258312J, amy.ling@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @amylingg, 9820 3569)
Materials :
Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sGHdALi6wDG0j0smGuVdkQcA9i10dbS/view?usp=share_link
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BywIsg6LOxcyDlWK9bhO-Oo3PEXHROqe/view?usp=share_link
Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KxWOMTMKvdko_1UtpKlZuR8sojUyIEh0/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=106984648505587042924&rtpof=true&sd=true

Hi Geng Hao,
We are Ivan Lee and Amy Ling from BeatIt.

Our project aims to improve the quality of life of dancers by simplifying processes such as reviewing videos or playing back music to practise different parts of the choreography.

How the app will work is that users can import their dance music into the app, which will give them the option to add bookmarks which they can then access while playing the music. Then with a push of a button, users can skip forward or back to the right moment to start practising the choreography.

In addition, users can also choose to overlay a new audio file of choice over their video should the original audio be too muffled or distorted. They can then choose to have the audio synced automatically to the video, removing the need for any wasted effort on the user’s end. This new video with higher quality sound helps dancers focus purely on remembering their steps instead of having to guess which part of the song they are at.

Our app will also serve as a form of visualisation for the different positions that dancers have to take on stage by providing ways for the video to be annotated. These annotations can then be shared with the other dancers as well, providing an effective way for choreographers to give feedback to their dancers.

We plan on using React Native for the frontend and Firebase for our backend databases. We will also make use of Python for signal processing and libraries such as FFmpeg for video processing.

We are really interested in receiving your mentorship because our goal is to simplify and enhance a process, so we thought it would be best to design it with their needs in mind from the beginning. And that is where we believe your experience in interaction design and frontend development will be a huge asset in helping us cater more closely to this niche demographic, giving us the inspiration needed to provide a smoother user experience.

Our team consists of two hardworking individuals with a vision to help dancers improve themselves, by removing the obstacles in their way and paving the road for them. We hope that we can share this vision with you and convince you to join us on this adventure!


Zeng Zihui

@"Genghao Teo"


Team Name

Student Name

Contact Methods

Bareheaded (Team 5899)
Zeng Zihui
Email: e0959218@u.nus.edu
Telegram: @komorebi_zz
Mobile Phone : 8218 9562
Cai Baizhou
Email: e0990630@u.nus.edu
Telegram: @windofbitter
Mobile Phone: 8038 5883





Personalized Message

Dear Mr Genghao Teo,

We are a highly motivated group of students who are always willing to step out of our comfort zone to try new and cool staff. We recognize that UI/UX is critical to the success of any project, and we are eager to find mentors who can guide us in building a scalable and user-friendly software.

Our project, AcademiMate, is a desktop application designed for project management as well as academic planning. It incorporates the Pomodoro techniqque and utilizes graph-based visualisation to help users manage tasks, stay on track, and improve productivity.

We believe that your expertise in UI/UX could be invaluable in helping us to achieve our goals. We would be honored to have the opportunity to learn from you and receive your guidance. Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Team 5899
Zeng Zihui & Cai Baizhou


Chee Wei Xiong Clifton

@"Genghao Teo"

Team Name: Polaris (ID: 5538)

Team Members:
Chee Wei Xiong Clifton (e0957638@u.nus.edu, 90285038, Telegram: @cliftonchee)
Ryan Peh Wye Kin (e0957976@u.nus.edu, 97953733, Telegram: @ryanpeh3733 )



Hi Mr Teo,

We are Team Polaris. We plan to develop an Augmented Reality (AR) application on our mobile phones that provide an experience similar to stargazing.

Being avid stargazers ourselves, we feel it is a shame that there are those who have never experienced the beauty of the universe and the sheer scale of it. In light-polluted Singapore, we wanted to share a glimpse of that joy with those that were never given the opportunity, anywhere, at any time, through the convenience of their phones. In doing so, we hope that users will be more keen to learn more and appreciate the vast space that we call home.

We hope to provide a pleasant user experience in using React.js for front-end development and mainly Unity Engine for the AR development. We hope to provide users with a seamless experience to view the night sky. With your experience, we look forward to having you as our mentor!

Feel free to contact us and check out further details in the attached materials! Thank you for your consideration!

Best regards,


Ho Chung Tat Rangi

Team Name: HawkerBro
Team Number: 5793
Team Members:
Syed Iman bin Syed Amir Shah (e0969694@u.nus.edu, 90680277, Telegram: @eforiman)
Ho Chung Tat Rangi (e0970270@u.nus.edu, 94773826, Telegram: @rhctt)

Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tw8tOrObVARt-OpiJqlBd6b58v-w-pXA/view

Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10SiNYRmLCNHOKhabPLA09sMDsSvbEdLXt4Q1mTBLfuQ/edit?usp=sharing

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X0ejjz98kEvR3nC1feLYiT9gXDLodrCd/view?usp=sharing

Dear Genghao Teo @"Genghao Teo",

We are writing to you to express our interest in having you as our mentor here at Team HawkerBro.

HawkerBro is a mobile application that seeks to connect hawker stall owners and consumers. The hawker culture in Singapore is very unique. However, due to rising food prices and cost of living, the hawker culture is weakening. This has led to a decline in the number of hawker stalls and thus, a loss in some of our traditional foods that are integral to our identity.

This mobile application aims to contribute to the preservation of the hawker culture in Singapore. By increasing the accessibility to affordable and diverse hawker food, we can connect consumers to hawker owners to support our local entrepreneurs.

Our team comprises individuals who are keen in learning new software engineering practices that can help create solutions to industry problems. We decided to reach out to you as your area of interest aligns with the expertise that we require in carrying out our project. We are sure that with your guidance, we will be able to upgrade our knowledge in this field to complete our task and hopefully deploy it for public use.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
Team HawkerBro (#5793)