[Mentor ID-2] Venkatraman R

Started by Zhao Jin

Zhao Jin

For more information about @"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy", please refer to https://bit.ly/orbital23-mentorship (Search for "ID-2")

If you would like to be mentored by him, please add a reply below, with the following details:

Your particulars: Team name + Student name + Contact method (Email and other messaging tools)
Your materials: Proposal + Poster + Video
A personalized message: Why should the mentor pick your team?


Kirthigha Shanmuganantham

@"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy"

Team Name: Noted!
Email: e0970063@u.nus.edu
Telegram: kirthighaa

Our Materials:
Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xX5buP2VvENHe_7X-TLAB8oiY3scCwGIKeE7bzEIgOw/edit?usp=sharing

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JNGnv9xCpNdeaeVfDYr2dW1Vl7TThdqr/view?usp=sharing

Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g2pKrg-bsOhnQvHww-6nayBLSwN48Sf8/view?usp=sharing

Dear Venkatraman R,

We are contacting you to express our interest in getting you on board as our mentor in Orbital 2023. After reviewing the requirements that you are looking out for, we believe that our project will be a great match. 

Our project aims to enable all students to experience interdisciplinary learning, an area that we find extremely valuable. This means that students can easily access materials from other majors and faculties, learn beyond the scope of their majors and even connect with students beyond their faculty. Interdisciplinary learning is important because it enables us to generate new links between different concepts and create new ideas and products from this link. Hence, we hope to create an app that will be a one stop shop for all NUS students. Users will be able to publish their own articles, access cross-faculty resources and network with students with similar interests. The tech stack of our application includes Flutter, Firebase, MySQL.

Our team comprises driven individuals who are passionate about using good software engineering practices to create innovative solutions to real-world problems. Hence, we are seeking a mentor with a wealth of experience in the field who can provide insights, advice and feedback as we develop our project. We are reaching out to you because we saw your wealth of experience in software engineering and product development and we believe that your expertise would be a valuable asset to our team.

We will greatly appreciate your review of our project proposal, poster and video. If you are interested in being our mentor for the Orbital project, please let us know. We would be honoured to have you on board. Thank you!

Best regards,
5831 | Lee Yi Lin & Kirthigha Shanmuganantham
Team Noted!


Yong Shi Kang

Team Name: Project Rama
Team Number: 5920
Team Members:

Materials :
Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VlaRbPhbWFWCFEb7SYEDM7vDuiqnwLo-/view?usp=sharing
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cMl2gyBM9oVPUdbyIu2anOazlTt-ia3b/view?usp=sharing
Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18lx0keqEST3f5-60rXFqLNS5lqh3RfTZKSJtUYRZKso/edit?usp=sharing

Dear Venkatraman R,

We are a team called Project Rama, and we will be working on a mobile application that aims to connect people to form the perfect team and manage their tasks within that team. We observed that students are unable to find like-minded teammates to collaborate with one another in a project. Therefore, we’ve come up with our app Launchlab NUS to solve this issue and better manage tasks and deadlines. Our project involves the use of tech stack such as Flutter, Supabase, Figma and PostgreSQL.

We have decided to reach out to you as our application development project would be in line to what you are looking for. Furthermore, given your expertise and experience, we believe that you would be the perfect mentor to guide us through our project.
We would be honoured for you to mentor us and provide us with your valuable insights and feedback. We are eager to learn from your experiences and gain valuable knowledge that can help us improve our project.

We look forward to hearing back from you soon!

Best regards,
5920 - Project Rama


Shah Saumya Snehal

@"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy"

Team Name: StarSnap
Team Members: Advita Shrivastava (Email: advita.shrivastava@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @advita9), Saumya Shah (Email: saumya.shah@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @DarthInfernus)

Proposal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sfeHaahLe7bJzk5XPxEj45qZA834jQ2x/view?usp=sharing
Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrw0F_d0PqEaoHPzYO3iDFJwWA81V4p4/view?usp=sharing
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vwSHfUZ0i16m0tgMsCFb6agESxO704EC/view?usp=sharing

At StarSnap, we aim to develop an identification model using Python and versatile libraries like TensorFlow. With your guidance, we hope to explore neural network architecture, large-scale training, and deployment to ensure optimal performance and accuracy for our model. Additionally, we are committed to creating an exceptional user experience through a seamless and visually appealing front-end interface utilising React, React Native, and Material UI. For our back-end infrastructure, we plan to utilise Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and NodeJS to build a robust and scalable back end. Furthermore, we were also looking to explore web deployment on scalable platforms like AWS. We hope to draw from your expertise to achieve these goals.

What sets us apart from the few existing astronomy identification alternatives is our dedication to providing a convenient and user-friendly experience through our integrated platform with multi-functionality. We differentiate ourselves by offering unique features like personalised learning, catering to astronomy enthusiasts of all levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned astronomers. Our goal is to create an inclusive and accessible platform that empowers users to explore the wonders of astronomy at their own pace and level of understanding.

Our drive stems not only from our passion for software development but also from our profound love and fascination for astronomy. We hope to draw from your experience to learn to stay up to date with the latest industry standards and practices. With our experience in React and Ruby on Rails, coupled with your invaluable guidance and expertise, we are confident in our ability to make this project a resounding success.

Feel free to contact us through Telegram/Email.

Thanks, and looking forward to working with you,
Team StarSnap


Syed Iman Bin Syed Amir Shah

@"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy"

Team Name: HawkerBro
Team Number: 5623
Team Members:
Syed Iman bin Syed Amir Shah (e0969694@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @eforiman)
Ho Chung Tat Rangi (e0970270@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @rhctt)
Poster: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kp_Iz73pAZUCAcl-ZccdAn6u99I-gfsBkqoWKHsNH-Q/edit?usp=sharing
Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10SiNYRmLCNHOKhabPLA09sMDsSvbEdLXt4Q1mTBLfuQ/edit?usp=sharing
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X0ejjz98kEvR3nC1feLYiT9gXDLodrCd/view?usp=sharing

Dear Venkatraman R,

We are writing to you to express our interest in having you as our mentor here at Team HawkerBro.

HawkerBro is a mobile application that seeks to connect hawker stall owners and consumers. The hawker culture in Singapore is very unique. However, due to rising food prices and cost of living, the hawker culture is weakening. This has led to a decline in the number of hawker stalls and thus, a loss in some of our traditional foods that are integral to our identity.

This mobile application aims to contribute to the preservation of the hawker culture in Singapore. By increasing the accessibility to affordable and diverse hawker food, we can connect consumers to hawker owners to support our local entrepreneurs.

Our team comprises individuals who are keen in learning new software engineering practices that can help create solutions to industry problems. We decided to reach out to you as your area of interest aligns with the expertise that we require in carrying out our project. We are sure that with your guidance, we will be able to upgrade our knowledge in this field to complete our task and hopefully deploy it for public use.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
Team HawkerBro (#5623)


Evelyn Lai Xin En

@"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy"

Team name: A&EmoneySaver
Team ID: 5650

Anant Shanker (tele @ananananant / email e0959949@u.nus.edu)
Evelyn Lai (tele @evedaktyl / email e0968776@u.nus.edu)

Proposal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k5M-v_NbtxdaMauA_vTp8mXrqYfNLn3x/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=102085404720843256709&rtpof=true&sd=true
Poster https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aiz3JPOX19VoocYW7npaWijS6O8qHx3h/view?usp=share_link
Video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NfhA6G8bcDgKkpuH7M1vNr39ghUu7tb8/view?usp=share_link

Hi Venkatraman R!

We are excited to share with you our product, Boundless Bazaar. It is a web platform that connects travelers and buyers, making it easier than ever for buyers to obtain products from overseas that might otherwise be difficult to access due to location or high shipping costs.

Our platform allows buyers to upload product requests, which can be viewed by other users on the platform. Travelers who happen to be in the country where the product is available can accept the request and help make the purchase for the buyer, bringing the product back with them when they travel to the buyer's country.

We see the potential for this platform to revolutionise the way people shop for products from overseas, and we believe that it could be a game-changer in the e-commerce industry. At the same time, we recognise the importance of building our platform with good software engineering practices to ensure its success.

We are looking for a mentor who can guide us in achieving the highest possible standards for our platform's engineering practices. With your experience and knowledge, we believe that we can build a platform that is not only innovative but also reliable, efficient, and scalable.

We would be honoured if you would consider mentoring our team as we bring Boundless Bazaar to life.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Nur Haziq B Bakri

Team Name: doomah pay (ID: 5708)

Team Members:
Nur Haziq Bin Bakri (e0957752@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @secretforthemad)
Hafizuddin Bin Aminuddin (e0968193@u.nus.edu, Telegram:@hafiz109)

Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12vPcA8QbixzqTaX_4rry1ofH7_ip4mdYodd2pwQHytE/edit?usp=sharing
Video Pitch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rAAblHp5n-DJpikiqzqdiKT7xnwoYqQ7/view?usp=share_link
Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xIcJDKcIRBi6YP91wxswESBInYWRzVZi/view?usp=share_link

Hi Venkatraman! @"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy"

Splitmah is a bill-splitting app. With an ever increasing number of payment methods, we understand that splitting expenses can be a hassle, especially when dealing with multiple people, and multiple expenses of varying amounts and types. Splitmah aims to simplify the process of finding out who owes what, thereby making managing shared expenses a breeze.

The tech stacks we plan to use are mainly Flutter and Firebase, which are in line with your areas of interest. Having an experienced software engineer like you as our mentor would aid us tremendously in this project.

Despite having little prior experience in SWE, as a team, we are committed to learning as much as we can, and are willing to tough it out to produce a quality bill-splitting app. We are eager to learn as much we can about software engineering, and most importantly, from you.

We hope you consider being a mentor for our team. Thank you.

Team doomah pay | 5708


Kieron Seven Lee Jun Wei

@"Venkatraman Ramamoorthy"
Team Name: D7 (ID: 5722)
Team Members:
Kieron Seven Lee Jun Wei (e0968891@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @Cikguseven)
Loh Jun Heng Donovan (e0968747@u.nus.edu, Telegram: @CaptainKeqing)

Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zN__KbqDT4RfvBf-n6nDdPYnxhZ9r_Jg/view?usp=sharing
Proposal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RV5e9_WiZeRduqlZhwnHesRCBbv25DQS/view?usp=sharing
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RP-eQqQvhQk3a_tAkW_piUIo6vLxxUXe/view?usp=sharing

Dear Mr Venkatraman,

We are reaching out to you to express our interest in having you as our mentor for our project, Make it Count.

Make it Count is a mobile and web application that aims to allow NUS staff and students to better manage their nutrition and well-being through the use of Artificial Intelligence and gamification. We aim to implement an image recognition AI that can recognise dishes served in NUS canteens and provide the nutritional breakdown and calorie information of the dish. Furthermore, Make it Count uses machine learning to be able to provide personalised and customisable meal and workout plans based on NUS facilities.

Our project involves cross platform mobile and web development, as well as the use of databases for authentication and image storing purposes. We intend to use Flutter for the mobile application, React for the website as well as TensorFlow Lite for AI. We believe that you would be an excellent mentor for our group and we would benefit greatly from your insights and expertise in these areas. Despite not having much experience in these areas, we are committed to learning and making this project a successful one. We hope to develop good development practices under your guidance and support.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
Team D7


Tan Gian Sen

Hi Mr Venkatraman

We are Gian Sen and Jason, and we aim to design a holistic mobile app that encourages one to be on their path to become a healthier individual. We believe that with your experience in mobile technologies such as Flutter and your extensive experience in software engineering that our app would be able to come to fruition under your guidance. self++ is an app that monitors various aspects of life including sleep, focus, activity levels, and we hope for this app to become an all encompassing wellness app for our target audience. Particularly, the app uses Flutter for its development, which is why we feel that you would be most suited to guide us in our journey to designing the app. We hope to bring about the idea of gamification by providing daily tasks and rewarding individuals for completing tasks daily, and offer them in game currency to decorate their island to their liking. As students, our overall health is of utmost importance, and we hope this app will help encourage students to approach their lives from a more holistic point of view. The idea of a reward system and customisation of a personal island would serve as a form of motivation for them.

Both of us are motivated to learn the relevant technologies required to make this app a success, as well as adhering to good software engineering practices to allow for continuous integration and development. We feel that with your guidance in the industry as well overlapping areas of interest in Flutter, we would be able to succeed in this endeavour.

Best regards,